Jan 12, 2006

Hey GM...I've got 2 words for ya.

Please read this article, from the Detroit News, and discuss amongst yourselves. It should give you a little insight why General Motors sucks, and why you probably don’t want to buy one of their products, besides the fact that they are generally unreliable, boring, pieces of crap. The article makes me so angry I can’t really respond adequately. The only thing good about GM is that they used to let us play hockey on their giant frozen fountain ponds at their Tech Center in Detroit. I wish Mr. Lutz would have joined us for a game or two, I would have loved to deposit the business end of my Sherwood into his gaping rattle-trap. Then he could add a few chompers to the list of what he "gave at the office". And if Mr. Lutz is such a talented executive why is GM on the verge of bankruptcy? When is the last time a legitimate pro sports franchise(NFL, MLB, NBA), per his analogy, went bankrupt? I have to stop typing now before my head explodes. Feel free to leave your comments.


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