"Cartoon Protests Turn Deadly"

On a related note, it was nice to see that the French were the first to surrender, again ( a french paper issued a grovelling retraction and fired it's editor after running the questionable cartoon). It would really suck to be French.
One more note, Europe seems to frequently look down their collective noses at "cowboy Americans" and our country's, allegedly, less refined culture. In this case, the US will take a lot of the heat for these stupid cartoons while none of the cartoons originated here. I don't know why the euro's get such leeway from the pundits of the world. Anyway, I'll save the "take your euro-trash to the curb" post for another time, but feel free to leave a comment if you have some thoughts.
I heard on NPR that some of the clerics are circulating offensive cartoons that were not actually published. It pisses me off that they would fan the fire in this way to cause more violence.
Is it culturally insensitive of me to recommend that people chill the f*ck out and not take themselves so goddam seriously?!?!
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