For some reason I’ve been busier than usual this week and I’ve found myself working on the computer or folding laundry late in the evening. In most TV markets Jimmy Kimmel Live follows the ubiquitous Nightline (my preference at 10:35), but in Chicago the city is afraid of Oprah raining a Godzilla like destruction down on the populace, so the local ABC affiliate jams her gab fest between Nightline and JKL*. Having suffered through a few recent episodes I’ve come to the conclusion that Oprah is a unabashed man-hater and the main message to her audience seems to be, "screw the family, screw the kids, you’re husband’s a jerk, you need to focus on yourself." Just what the America needs, a daily affirmation of selfishness. One episode featured the ex-Mrs. Lance Armstrong bitching about how she had a great relationship, but she lost her "self" over time. She whined and whined about how she needed to be more selfish about her needs and she spent too much time on Lance’s needs. The rest of the hour focused on the idea that the reduced ability to be selfish was a big downer in a marriage. Of course Oprah is the expert on how to have a successful marriage or raise your kids, even though she hasn’t attempted either. (By the way, do you think Op has Stedman’s balls in a jar, or does she wear them around her neck?) Here’s a tip on how to have a successful long-term relationship/marriage that you won’t see on Oprah: It’s no longer just about you, it’s about us. It’s like being on a team; success is measured when the team accomplishes something, not the individual. It’s a simple as making decisions with the best interest of the team in mind. The concept of losing or sacrificing your "self" is a poison pill to a successful relationship, to be successful you have to think in terms of advancing the cause for the common good. Having a kid reinforces the importance of thinking in terms of "what’s good for my family" as opposed to "what’s good for myself."
The other theme on Oprah seems to be, "I’m rich, bitch". Oprah takes the show to her private gardens on her Santa Barbara estate. See Oprah take her dogs to the spa. Oprah owns half of Oahu. Oprah eats $25 brownies and makes oatmeal cookies with $50 dough, how extravagant! What a great life Oprah leads, always able to think about herself and restoring her spirit. An episode all about how many shoes Op has and how big her closets are? Really? What a lucky audience. See Op party with her rich friends as she throws her Legends Ball. (I think the idea of Oprah’s Legends Ball is eerily similar to the Player’s Ball seen in the Hughes brother’s classic "American Pimp" (someday this blog will examine the legendary pimp Mr. Whitefolks and his plans for the Million Mac March)). Anyway, that’s my beef with Op. In my opinion she’s not doing much besides dishing out a daily dose of dissatisfaction to her legions of American housewives.
* JKL is the best late night comedy/variety show on tv. Leno was never funny (anyone else remember the Leno/Mr. Miyagi (moment of silence) vehicle
"Collision Course"?) and Dave has lost a step over the years (his old NBC show is the measuring stick). I’ve never understood Conan’s appeal; I feel the same about the Simpsons. As a matter of fact, I’ll bet that being a Simpson’s fan correlates with being a Conan fan (other signs include an unhealthy fascination with Monty Python, Star Trek, BBC comedies, etc.), it also correlates with being a smug dork who doesn’t understand what is and isn’t funny, but I digress. Craig Ferguson….who? JKL is the only show that is pushing the envelope and coming up with consistently funny, fresh material. I dare anyone to dispute this.
Hey - the world is a place for different opinions. It's not form of blasphemy to dislike Oprah. She helps some women, but she is also very materialistic. Just look at those shows where she gives away all the cars...
Ms. Blackula,
Here's a quick response to your comments. Feel free to reply.
“What I see in you is that you don't want people to encourage but to be discouraging!!!”
From what I see, Oprah only encourages her audience to be selfish and greedy, which is discouraging to me. I encourage people to think about the rest of the world, particularly those closest to them, and not just the 4 inches in front of their face.
“Coodles to OPRAHS LEGENDARY BALL which was extravagant!!!!”
Is it good to be extravagant? I don’t think it is. It seems to me that Op’s ball fed her already gargantuan ego while reinforcing the “I’m rich, bitch” aspect of her appeal.
“I take it your not Black so I would assume you would not understand the tribute to the beautiful BLACK women that Paved the way for not just other BLACK women but to ALL women! And not to those who has PIMPED the MOST HOES (you comparing to Players ball) I understand your are trying to pave a way yourself, but to Bash those that mean something, in oppose to GIVE CREDIT TO someone trying to get the MILLION MACK MARCH going, will get you nothing but comments like these!”
I’m just about the whitest guy there is (see the rest of this blog for proof… especially the posts about downhill skiiing or fly fishing). I’m not sure how Op’s prom advanced women, or how she paved the way for any women besides the ladies on the View, but none of the successful women that I know seemed to have gained anything from Oprah’s prom or her show. As for the comparison to the players ball… I think, in a sense, Oprah pimps her audience to the purveyors of $25 brownies, and both events seem designed to feed the egos of the organizers.
“Truthfully I admire you trying to make this work for yourself. But note jus a lil advice! Be thankful for the Oprahs in the world to ALLOW U to say whatchu PLEASE And be respected when you say it...”
I appreciate your admiration and thanks for the advice. Here’s a little info for you, Oprah’s power has not yet reached the point where she is able to control what we can and can’t say. Until then I will continue to write what I please in this forum.
I think you’ve got this one down Ms. Blackula. Feel free to resume your Oprah worship, the rest of the world will continue on without you.
I don't know about $25 dollar brownies but I sure as shit appreciate being able to hire four nannies to manage the details of my children. While Oprah is out there pimping herself for more money, you can find me upstairs soaking in my tub.
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